Looking for the cheat sheet? It's here!
Welcome to our GitHub website. Have you read the disclaimer yet? All resources located in our main branch can be found under "Resources". See our library of techniques detailed under "Home".
Here's a useful table of all our meetings:
Resource | Description |
Cheat Sheet | Contains the cheat sheet and detailed notes on hacking are/will be posted here. |
1 - Introduction to Web Exp | Labs include SQLi and session hijacking. No notes included. |
2 - SQLi, LFI and Automating Attacks | Labs include SQLi and LFI/RFI. No notes included. |
3 - Introduction to Python | In this meeting, we went over the basics of Python 2.7 |
Meeting 4 has no resources | We continued the material presented in Meeting 3 |
Meeting 5 has no resources | Nothing much happened. |
Meeting 6 - SQLi and Fuzzing |