
What is OSINT?

  • OSINT stands for Open Source INTelligence
  • Open Source basically means information, tools, sources, etc. that are accessible to anyone on the Internet!
  • To tackle our OSINT challenges, you'll have to follow a trail of clues and instructions that will take you around the Internet
  • Oftentimes, you'll have to decipher riddles, decrypt codes, and use other related techniques to crack the challenges!


Why learn about OSINT?

  • OSINT involves a lot of Googling, which is important in our daily lives
  • OSINT is very prominent in the field of cybersecurity
  • OSINT challenges help stimulate the brain to think in creative and different ways by finding innovative solutions to problems
  • It’s just super cool :D
  • Today, through this workshop, you will learn about the world of OSINT through our cool challenges!